CNCA Forms

Group Forms for Registering Groups or changes in Groups  
(Please do not mail to New York. Give to a District Registrar or the Area Registrar.)
New Group
Group Change
District Officer Change

DCM | DCMC Change Form
Proposed General Service Conference Agenda Item Submission
Proposed G.S.C. Agenda Item Submission Form

As of the 71st General Service Conference, the above form needs to be used to submit proposed agenda items. Our Delegate uses them to send in the motions that pass at our Assembly. If you have any questions about these forms or the process, please contact your DCMC or the Delegate.

District and Committee Reports
Double-sided, English and Spanish (report form)
Report of Districts and Standing Committees
Finance Committee
Expense Reimbursement Guidelines
Proposed Motion
Proposed Motion form
Assembly BID
Assembly BID Form – English
Assembly Guidelines
Approved Assembly Guidelines
Newsletter BID
CNCA Comments BID
Form:    Grapevine y La Viña  (PDF)
Online: website
Website Suggestions for improvement